Karabagh or Kuba Zejwa
The rugs from the Caucasus are characterized by markedly geometric designs.... [ + ]
The rugs from the Caucasus are characterized by markedly geometric designs.... [ + ]
Ghiordes (nowadays known as Gördes) is a town located 180 km far from Smyrna. It was a very imp...... [ + ]
Turkestan's announcement
Turkestan will open its doors again, starting on May the 11th of 2020. Until Spain isn't in Phase...... [ + ]
Old Gabbeh circa 1930 woven by Lori tribes. With a very few knots per sqm (50,000) it’s a perfect...... [ + ]
This ancient prayer rug (ca. 1.870) from the Daghestan region, in the northeastern Caucasus, is h...... [ + ]
Turkestan's announcement
The following days we will be available at our usual schedule at: info@turkestan.es - 639 36 7...... [ + ]
L’ambient rústic i la tornada als orígens prenen protagonisme aquest proper any, convivint amb el...... [ + ]
Les franges estaran de moda en el món decoratiu i també en el món de la catifa... [ + ]
La brillantor serà tendència aquest 2019 i la seda serà un dels seus principals exponents... [ + ]